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Partner Experience Design

Good Partner Experience Drives a Good Customer Experience. 

Partner Experience

Simplify and improve the experiences with your customers and suppliers.

Partner Experience

Partner Experience is the sum of all the interactions that a business has with a supplier of goods or services.

Partner Experience Design drives the commitment of suppliers, distributors and business partners. The better the experience with this partner ecosystem, the better the partners' commitment and loyalty to your company. Partner Experience Design will help improve the sourcing process, improve the quality of products and services, and therefore improve the entire Customer Experience process.

Mobile Experience for Partners

Mobile is everywhere and touches every facet of our lives. Connect partners with your employees in real time with mobile apps.

Imagineer simplify the development of mobile applications with an open, comprehensive platform that scales to meet your needs. Whether you’re building new apps or extending backend systems, Imagineer provides the platform, security, and analytics that you can count on.

Customer Self-Service Experience

Help customers solve their problems without the assistance of a sales or service executive. Manage your growing customer base by making self-service your dominant strategy.


Increase Business-to-Business Revenue

Replace manual purchasing with digital commerce to improve margin, reduce the cost of service, and meet customer expectations. 

Reduce Live-Channels Dependency

Imagineer helps you reduce your customer dependency on Live-Channels, decrease the traditional field sales, and decrease the number of calls to your service reps with easy-to-find information on your customers preferred channels.

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Real Time Partner Process

Gain real-time insights from your partner ecosystem , across all your data, aplications, and business process. Build Digital Channels with a Real Time Architecture for achive your business goals.

  • Real Time Partner Portal
  • Real Time Workflows
  • Real Time Applications

Partner Portal Platform

Manage your business operations, through a business portal, document management, workflows, forms, collaboration tools and automatic business rules.

Loyalty Process Automation

Brand revenue and reputation are directly related to the amount of experiences a customer has with the business.

Having a Loyalty Program can keep your customers and prospects engaged while generating important information for your internal teams.

Customer Analytics

Improve your Customer Experience strategy by visualizing data in real time through information dashboards that allow you to see what happened (Descriptive Analytics), what is most likely to happen (Predictive Analytics), and what to do (Prescriptive Analytics).




More Integration, Better Experiences

Your partners need to run 24x7 processes with your company, to achieve this, they need applications that are 100% integrated with other business applications and data in real time. Imagineer Customer Experience accelerate the path to digital transformation by eliminating barriers between business applications and databases. 

Unified Process for Better Experiences

Companies save time and resources by integrating business processes with data, systems, and channels. Unifying these processes helps eliminate silos, connect databases, and shorten business processes.

Connect Data and Processes

Remove inefficiencies in communication and operations with shared data, document repositories and customized workflows that unite your business units.

Customer Experience Integration

Integrate business process with customer relationship management, sale & marketing software for detailed client interactions and powerful user experience improvement.

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Partner Experience Process

Icon Partner Portal

Partner Portal

You can insert your text copy as well as image. Real parallax images

Icon Monitoring

Partner Analytics

The image in this module should be between 80 to 100 by 80 to 100 pixels 

Icon PRM

Partner Relationship Management

Same modula as the two on the left. It has a dedicated space for short text and image. 

Partner Experience Design

Become a Partner Experience Company

They trusted us!


Every company needs a Customer Experience Strategy!

Start with Customer Experience Design as a methodology to improve your processes, business models and value proposition. Once the CX process is defined, automate the process through a Customer Experience Architecture.