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Customer Journey Maps

The Customer Journey Maps, shows in a visual way and in order, a map of each of the stages, interactions, channels, and elements that a customer goes through, during the entire Purchase Cycle.

Inbound Marketing

The Customer Journey Map is more than just understanding processes, it is an accompaniment to your marketing strategies.

Design and understand customer processes and buying cycles.

It uses storytelling and visuals to illustrate the relationship a customer has with a company over a period of time.

The story is told from the customer's perspective, providing information about the total customer experience.

Define the phases of Customer Journey Maps within your company to better understand your customer.

Imagineer Customer Experience offers within its lines of consulting services, definition of strategies and high quality processes, designed and customized Customer Journey Maps that are adapted to your organization (B2B or B2C) and Buyer Personas.

With its creation, we boost your business to know your Buyer Persona correctly.


Generate an ideal customer journey for each of your buyer personas.

Each Buyer Persona has a different buying cycle. Imagineer helps you define buyer persona buying cycle processes, improve the actual customer journey and adopt innovative marketing strategies that will help you in the process.

Use methodologies to improve your customers' journey's experience.

Through sessions learn how to broadly and deeply define the different Customer Journey's that your Buyer Personas require or update the ones you have created years ago together with our Advisory team.

Stages of the customer journey

Imagineer Customer Experience will help you optimize the customer experience at every phase and stage of the customer journey for each of your Buyer Personas. As we learn about your Buyer Personas, we can help your company improve its marketing, sales and customer service strategies and tactics.

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Customer Journey Maps will not only help you understand your customer better but also help you sell more.

Consider the monthly planning strategies of your sales teams. Your month-to-month objectives and the different nurturing processes with relevant content that your Buyer Persona constantly needs.

Once you understand all the points of improvement in the commercial processes of your company, automate them and generate valuable content and automation of those processes that will ensure a better customer experience and, therefore, happier customers are lasting customers over time and that constantly buy.

CX Strategy

With the help of our team, you will be able to develop an understanding of how to enhance a customer journey strategy.


Understand the Buyer Persona buying process

Create your site quickly with better visualization and performance than you have today without compromising page capacity and providing greater value to the user.

Continuous Improvement

Collect the data and start identifying high-impact actions to improve your business sales by implementing customer journey maps.


Find out everything you need to know about the Customer Journey Map?

At Imagineer we constantly accompany and advise you, putting at your disposal a team that will guide you throughout this process. Forget those doubts that were haunting you and enjoy the process of creating the Customer Journey of your Buyer Personas.

Some of the ways in which you can obtain this information are:

  • Surveys to gather information about current customers.
  • Analyze your databases for trends.
  • Your website forms should include questions with key information.

Interviews with the Sales Team

Customer Journey Mapping is a user-centric approach based on data produced by analyzing the physical and online behavior of your customers and consumers in your shops, physical branches, and online shop. 
Understanding these processes will help the sales team understand where to improve and identify strategies to sell more.

Customer Journey Map Design for B2C Clients

If we understand our B2C customer's concerns, we will know what their needs and concerns are, we can generate content that is useful to them and, in turn, clarify their doubts as to how our product or service will help them solve their problem.



Customer Journey Map Design for B2B Clients

If we understand our B2B customer's concerns, we will know what their needs and concerns are, we can generate content that is useful to them and, in turn, clarify their doubts as to how our product or service will help them solve their problem.

For the process, we need to understand your buyer persona, and have answers to the following questions:

  • Questions about your company: Purchasing methods, payment types, the experience of purchasing processes, physical and online shopping spaces.
  • Questions about your monthly marketing and sales planning objectives.
  • Questions about their challenges.


Inbound 3.1

Boost your company's sales with continuous improvement using Customer Journey Mapping

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Complete all important elements for users that were not suitable for the launch. Gather all information, statistics, and trends about your buyer personas.

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Analyze and Formulate

Synthesize all the information gathered from the types of buyer personas you have and create a specific project framework for each customer journey.


Visualize and Apply

The customer journey map will be the map with which you will be able to share the results of the research with the sales teams.

At the end of the process, you will be able to project a visual narrative that communicates the customer journey, the critical points of the buying process, pain points, and obstacles that need to be resolved.

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Implement customer journey mapping into your customer experience strategy.

Start with Customer Experience Design as a methodology to improve your processes, business models, and value proposition. Once the CX process is defined, automate the process through a Customer Experience Architecture.